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Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman

Freauently Asked Na Nach Questions

Frequently Asked Na Nach Questions

As I go through life wearing a Na Nach Kipa I am frequently asked these questions. This is a list of how I like to generally answer these questions. Because the topics are "deep deep who can fathom?" each question can be a discussion on it's own. The answers listed here are brief and very general and of course only my non rabbinical, non official, non authoritative personal opinion.

1.   What is the difference between Na Nach and Breslov?
2.   Who is the leader of Na Nach?
3.   What do I need to do to be Na Nach?
4.   Do Na Nach's beleive that Rebbe Nachman is G-d?
5.   Do Na Nach's pray to Rebbe Nachman?
6.   Is Rebbe Nachman higher then Moshe Rebainu?
7.   Are you guys associated with regular Breslov?
8.   Isn't Na Nach a cult?
9.   Do Na Nach's learn Gemorah?
10. Do Na Nach's keep Halacha?
11. Do Na Nach's take drugs?
12. Do Na Nach's just dance all day?
13. Is Saba Rebbe Nachman?
14. Do Na Nach's go to Uman or Jerusalem on Rosh Hashana?
15. Is Rebbe Nachman for NON Jews?
16. Just saying "Na Nach" fixes everything?
17. What about Rabbi "such and such"?
18. What are the most important texts in nanach?
19. Can the True Tzaddik really fix EVERYTHING?
20. Hafatza for/to Jews only? Or can I share Na Nach with everyone?
21. What do Na Nachs believe?
22. Is the petek for everyone?
23. What is a Kamea? What is it for?
24. Are we currently in the final redemption?

1. What is the difference between Na Nach and "mainstream" Breslov?

The three main differences between 1.Na Nach's believe in the miracle of the Petek and that this is central to the final redemption. 2. Na Nach's believe that Rabbi Israel Odesser is the final word of Breslov today. 3. Na Nach's do not consider any tradition in Judaism besides the teachings of Rebbe Nachman as true Judaism today. In other words they believe in the supremacy of Rebbe Nachman and that there is no other Rebbe.

2. Who is the leader of Na Nach?

That would be Rebbe Nachman alone.

3. What do I need to do to be Na Nach?

Do not oppose it in anyway or belittle it in anyway. This is the easiest and simplest way. Try to embrace all the words of Rebbe Nachman and Saba as absolutely true, spread the light of Na Nach through your creativity and talents, try to be happy all the time and sing, chant and dance the holy name "Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman".

4. Do Na Nach's beleive that Rebbe Nachman is G-d?

The name of the Tzadik is in partnership and enclothes the name of G-d. It can be compared to a marriage. Sometimes referring to one is referring to the other and the two are inseparable. Rebbe Nachman is the creation of G-d.
5. Do Na Nachs pray to Rebbe Nachman?

No. It is a good thing to talk to the Tzadik though this is not exactly the same thing as praying to the Tzadik. 

6. Is Rebbe Nachman higher then Moshe Rebainu?

Yes, we in this generation are on a much lower spiritual level then previous generations so we need a much higher redeemer then Moshe Rebainu. Hashem in his infinite mercy prepared the cure before the sickness and sent us the Tzadik for our generation. 

7. Are you guys associated with regular Breslov?

No. Not the "Breslov" of today. No association with them or those with them.

8. Isn't Na Nach a cult?

No, since there is no leader of Na Nach except Saba (who has been released from the world). And since Na Nach is very decentralized there is no grounds for calling it a cult since a cult absolutely needs these two elements to be a cult. No living leader, no center, no cult.

9. Do Na Nachs learn Gemorah?

Some do some don't. It depends on the individual. Na Nach has about the same amount of scholars as any group.

10. Do Na Nach's keep Halacha?

Everyone keeps halacha according to the level that they are on at that time. Saba held that the "Kitzor Shulchan Auruch" is a very holy book. Rebbe Nachman held the "Shulchan Auruch" as a very holy book that should be learned.

11. Do Na Nachs take drugs?

Saba said that "Drugs are worse then adultery", thus it is not a condoned Na Nach activity to partake in recreational drugs or any other type of drugs even for medical reasons. A Na Nach who seems "high" is really just high on Torah and Prayer, believe it or not!

12. Do Na Nachs just dance all day?

Some do for some days. I wish I was. It is certainly a very great thing to do a lot of holy dancing. It is a very Na Nach thing to do. Saba danced for 5 days straight after receiving the Petek! But many Na Nachs spread the light of Na Nach with creative writing, music, art, etc.

13. Is Saba Rebbe Nachman?

Some say yes and some say no. both sides have a good way of looking at things. There is no logical way to explain that he is. But logic is very limited when it comes to issues of faith. I believe one could say yes or no to this and still be a true Na Nach.

14. Do Na Nach's go to Uman or Jerusalem on Rosh Hashana?

I would say it is split about 50/50. It is an ongoing debate, Saba definitely said both. The arguments are strong on either side.  It is up to every individual to pray about this if it is a question. If this or any other "argument" in Na Nach pushes you away from getting closer it is best just to ignore it or ask yourself "what does this debate have to do with me?"

15. Is Rebbe Nachman for NON Jews?

Yes, Saba said that Rebbe Nachman is Universal and that Na Nach is for everyone, Jews and non Jews. Just not for Arabs. LOL

16. Just saying "Na Nach" fixes everything?

Yes, it can. Just saying the words "Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman" with happiness and faith one can rectify their whole life.

17. What about Rabbi "such and such"?

This is a frequently asked question. Even after it is explained that there are no Rabbi's in Na Nach and that we hold that every "Rabbi" (these days) is not a "Rabbi" except for Rabbi Nachman and that almost anyone that goes around calling himself Rabbi or is called a Rabbi by others or is known to be a Rabbi by people is suspected as false.In general Rabbis are considered dust on the scales compared to Rebbe Nachman and completely unable to help and very frequently cause a lot of damage even if you would find one that is actually sincere. (this does not necessarily include a "Posek" though often these too are false. Be very careful)

18. What are the most important texts in Na Nach?

Besides the Petek itself, by far the most important texts in Na Nach (and all of Breslov) are the two books "Saba Yisroel" and "Ebay HaNachal". The first is a collection of recordings of Saba talking that have been transcribed other such texts of Saba's talking are equally important. The second book is a collection of letters that Saba wrote to the president of Israel at that time, Zalman Shazar, these letters were written by Saba with all the souls of Israel in mind. The book that Saba himself started with was "Outpouring of the Soul" (Hishtachput HaNephesh)  a guide on how to talk to G-d which is central to Na Nach. The Stories of Rebbe Nachman is for everyone and considered to be the highest torah of Rebbe Nachman. The entire redemption depends on every and any word of Rebbe Nachman so besides these it  really is hard to say which are the most important.

19. Can the True Tzaddik really fix EVERYTHING?

Yes, physically and spiritually everything will ultimately be fixed by the Tzadik. This is the promise that the Tzadik made to Hashem before Hashem created the world and based on this promise Hashem made the world. There is much that needs to be written about this.

20. Hafatza for/to Jews only? Or can I share Na Nach with everyone?

Everyone except Arabs according to my understanding of Saba.  

21. What do Na Nachs believe?

There are four basic beliefs that make Na Nach unique.
1. The Supremacy of Rebbe Nachman as the greatest saint that ever was or ever will be, with the exception of the Messiah.
2. The belief in the  miracle of the Petek, that it was written by Rebbe Nachman and sent to Saba from heaven and that the entire redemption depends on this.
3. Saba is the last and final word on everything in Breslov and Judaism.
4. Na Nach rejects anyone being as a spiritual leader except Rebbe Nachman.

22. Is the Petek for everyone?

Yes, Jews and non jews. (except for Arabs)

23. What is a Kamea? What is it for?

Kamea (Amulet or Talisman) is usually a small pouch worn around the neck. It contains the name "Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman" written in Hebrew letters
on kosher Parchment, it contains a photocopy of the Petek. If someone wears it on their person it is known to give this person protection spiritually and physically. It is also good for all types of healings and salvations. How this works is beyond our mortal understanding. It works on faith.

24. Are we currently in the final redemption?

Yes, though it is not always apparent. Also there are many stages of the redemption. Yet, massive positive universal changes can occur instantaneously. Disclaimer

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Official Mission Statement

nanachname is a collaborated effort to make the name "nanach" famous in the world through the media of text, video, music and visual arts. When this name is chanted by all it will be the long awaited, final and ultimate redemption for all creation.

Why I Made This Website.

I was opening my kabbalah art gallery in Safat Israel and even had an opening night when suddenly I was hit a second time with the light of Na Nach and so all my artistic efforts went to creating Na Nach art. When talking to potential customers I realized that I was not as interested in selling art as I was in spreading Na Nach. Still, I had a lot of Na Nach art on my computer. So after several years of my art mostly just sitting there on my computer I thought that at least I should make it available on line for people to print for distribution if they needed too. But then I thought that I should make a space to share everything that I plan to do, video, art, music and writing.  And then I thought, but what if someone comes to the site and they know nothing of Na Nach? So I thought it would be good to write a few articles just to introduce what this is all about. So in the end this became a rather big project because I thought while I am doing this for myself why not do it for all the other Na Nach artists too. So now I have a huge project ahead of me that I am just now July 30th 2012 beginning to post on line, just a few articles. I hope to keep working on this  and get it easy to maintain. I am doing this for no profit, no sales and no soliciting of donations or funds and no budget. Every step is gruesomely painstaking. But that's what it's all about.

Additional Statement

This site is a celebration of Rebbe Nachman's light in the world through artistic media and is not intended as a space for long elaborate theological, halachic medactic pilpool discussions about what Na Nach is and what it is not with all the details surrounding every issue that everyone has in the world about Na Nach. But because Na Nach is so controversial this might inevitably become the case. So discussion and questions are welcome. We will try to help, but nothing is guaranteed. please read the disclaimer if you have not already.

Statement of My Personal Na Nach Faith and Belief

     For the benefit, entertainment, amusement, and education of my readers I thought I would post a brief list of my personal faith and beliefs. However because of the highly dynamic, volatile and sometimes confusing nature of my soul's return to G-d I would like you to note, dear reader, that any or all of the following beliefs are subject to change, revision, reevaluation, modification and denial for a number of reasons that are too great to list here, without prior notification to anyone including myself.

     That being said it should also be made clear that this does not mean to imply that I am not totally committed, devoted and obsessed with these beliefs even to the point of threat of death, G-d forbid. 

     Please note, these are my personal beliefs, any similarity to any group or religion, cult, individual person, entity, real or fictitious is purely coincidental and I here and now officially deny any formal or informal association with any groups.  Also, because faith, by definition, is something that transcends the grasp of the human intellect, the reader should not expect that any of the following make any sense to the human intellect, nor is it my intention to understand, explain, prove or convince by any mortal human resources what these beliefs mean in terms of science, philosophy, logic or any other human originated system of knowledge or awareness. They are by definition "faith" and so don't need to have a "proof".

     This list is not intended to create a group of any sort with people of similar beliefs. I am not a Rabbi, teacher, spiritual leader or spokesman for anyone including myself because I consider Rebbe Nachman and Saba as my chosen representatives in all areas of belief and in all matters pertaining to the soul.

     Though I try I have not always held up to these beliefs, with the help of G-d I will keep trying. 
     That being said. The following is a list of my personal beliefs it is not complete and not necessarily in order of importance.

What I Believe

1. The Holy Rabbi Israel Ber Odesser (henceforth "Saba") received a note (henceforth "The Petek") from heaven written by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. This was a miracle above all the laws of nature.

2. The above statement is true just like G-d and Torah is true.

3. This Petek contains the key to the ultimate and final Redemption of all creation from it's apparent and impermanent fallen state.

4. Publishing and distributing the books, name, teachings and knowledge of Rebbe Nachman and the Petek and of Saba hastens the redemption. Also the opposite, the stopping of this publishing holds back the redemption.

5. Saying, chanting or singing the holy name "Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman" brings about  miracles above nature in the world provided that one say it with some faith in its power and it is good to say it with joy. 

6. Rebbe Nachman is the righteous saint (henceforth "Tzadik") foundation of the world.

7. Saba's message and belief is the final word in Breslov and in all of Judaism today.

8. Israel is the chosen nation and people and is beloved by G-d.

9. As a general rule anyone alive that professes himself a  "Rabbi" today is blacklisted as a suspected, potential or actual: murderer, thief, practitioner of black magic, fraud, meddler in other peoples business, Nazi, ignoramus, not really being Jewish, adulterer, and any other gross and lowly crime anyone anywhere could possible imagine. Though I don't make a practice of necessarily accusing anyone of any of these things and I acknowledge that there might be exceptions. The main thing is that they are "suspect" as so one should avoid looking at their faces, asking advice from, associating with, in any way, at all possible costs, includes, but is not limited to, close followers of, institutions associated with and  publications of. The issue of asking a Halachic question is a separate issue. In general, if I need to I will ask a Posek about a question concerning the proper procedure to follow in issues regarding Jewish Ritual Law. (In other words the Halacha)

10. With Rebbe Nachman there is hope for everyone, even for the worst of the worst.

11. The Na Nach Torah lifestyle is the highest and holiest lifestyle in all of creation. 

12. The Torah is impossible to fully understand without accepting the Petek.

13. Everything is good and everything is one. Though we don't always see and understand this to be so.

14. All the issues surrounding the name "Na Nach" are issues of the Messiah and of the final redemption.

15. It is foolish and evil to argue about issues of faith, even if I know that I am right.

17. The books of Rebbe Nachman and Saba are good for ALL things. Even physical things but especially spiritual things.

18. I don't believe that I am holier then anyone, though I do believe that associating with the Tzadik Rebbe Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman makes one Holy.

And some lighter stuff for the road....

19. I believe that the Zohar teaches that the Sun travels around the Earth, I believe that this is to be taken literally and I believe it to be true. And It might be important. I don't know if I would bet my eternal soul on this one but I would be very curious if anyone could provide any information on this. Someone once told me that the whole final test of faith in the last days before the revelation of the messiah would be connected to this issue, this made me more curious. I'm not sure what it has to do with Na Nach.

20. If a person can manage to stay happy all the time they will never see the face of Hell.

How To Talk Na Nach

These are some of the key terms I have found in "Na Nach" lingo.  Listed are the Hebrew terms written in english and their definitions. Click on the play button to hear how to say them. (all the recordings are done with an American accent.)  : )

Hafatza- (literally “spreading) The spreading of the energy of “Na Nach” usually through music, dance, selling books, distributing peteks and stickers, going door to door or even just praying about it. Everyone has their own unique way of doing Hafatza.

Meforsam-(literally “famous”) A derogatory term that refers to someone as a false rabbi. Short for “Meforsam shel shecker” (literally “one who spreads falsehood”) This term is practically interchangeable with the name of almost anyone called rabbi of our current time.

Pitkah-the letter miraculously written by Rebbe Nachman. And miraculously sent to Saba

Saba-(literally “grandfather”) this is the nickname that Rabbi Israel Odesser liked to be called by those that love him.

Simcha-true happiness.

Tzadik Ha-Emes (or Ha-Emet) the truly righteous soul, unique in his generation, majority of times this term is in reference to Rebbe Nachman himself.

tzadik-any righteous person, saint.

Kamea- (Literally “amulet”) The name “Na Nach Nachma Nachma Nachman MeUman” written on Parchment and placed in a small pouch with a photo copy of a Petek. Usually hung around the neck like a necklace. 

Na Nach- a noun, the name of Rebbe Nachman as signed in the Petek. (see below). Also can be verb. To Na Nach. Saying "Na Nach" or engaging in any Na Nach type of behaviour can be called “nanaching” also and adjective to describe something as having a characteristic of "Na Nach".

Rosh Hashana- beginning of the Jewish year. The most important holiday of Na Nach. The major gathering of Na Nach's.

Kibbutz- any gathering of Na Nach's usually around the three major times of the year.

Breslover- a follower of Rebbe Nachman. Same as a Na Nach, though majority of Na   Nach's do not consider majority of people who go by the name of  “Breslover” as  true Breslovers.  Though Na Nach's still retain the name of “Breslover”

Shomer brit-(literally guarding of the covenant) key concept. Means keeping relations with the opposite gender within the bounds of Holiness. Equally important, guarding one's thoughts and keeping them happy and pure, in general, keeping oneself, mind body and soul within the bounds that are meant for that individual.

Emunah- faith in G-d, the Torah and the tzadik.

Sheker- falsehood. Anything that is opposite Na Nach.

Uman- City in the Ukraine, the burial site of Rebbe Nachman.

B-Yerushalayim- literally "In Jerusalem" a term expressing the belief that the rosh Hashana gathering is now in Jerusalem and one need not go to Uman.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman- the name of Rebbe Nachman in the form that he signed it in the Petek. The song of redemption, the single, doubled, tripled and quadrupled song.

Saba Zeh Rabainu-literally "Saba is our Rabbi" this is taken to mean the belief that Rabbi Israel Ber Oddesser is Rebbe Nachman. I'm not really sure if that is what this always means, but anyway it's a cool thing to say.

Saba Zeh Moshiach- Saba is the Messiah

Uman Nigmar- "Uman is finished" statement made by Saba in Uman taken to mean that we no longer need to go to Uman

Tefillah- prayer, saying "Na Nach" is also a prayer.